Our Fairfield Councillor Roundup for October

Greens don’t just turn up at election time – Greens work hard for you all the time! Here are just some of the things Ria Patel and Esther Sutton were doing in October:

  • Ria and Esther attended the vigil for Elianne Andam. They joined residents at the Safer Croydon Community Partnership meeting and met with police at the quarterly panel meeting. Esther also joined the police for discussions in College Square and Ria attended an event organised by the Violence Reduction Unit to tackle violence against women and girls.
  • Esther questioned the Mayor on the failure to improve our town centre and both Ria and Esther met with representatives of the Croydon Business Improvement District to discuss their work.
  • They pushed Council officers for action on the Council’s estates in Fairfield: The Elms and Arthur Court. Ria met with organisations in the Church Street area to discuss community cohesion and asset building.
  • Ria contributed to a community meeting on poor hotel conditions for asylum seekers and supported the Abolish Reporting campaign outside Lunar House.
  • Ria and Esther attended the relaunch of Croydon Drop In’s Talk Bus, a mobile information centre and support service for young people.
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