Your local Green Party for all of Sutton and Croydon
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- Our Fairfield Councillor Roundup for AugustHere’s what your Green Party Croydon councillors Ria Patel and Esther Sutton got up to in August 2024.
- Aasha Anam is our General Election candidate for Sutton & CheamCroydon and Sutton Green Party are delighted to announce that Aasha Anam has been selected as our General Election candidate for the constituency of Sutton and Cheam. Aasha said: “We all know that politics is broken and we deserve far better. So I joined the Green Party to ‘be the change I want to see’.… Read more: Aasha Anam is our General Election candidate for Sutton & Cheam
- Tracey Hague is our General Election candidate for Carshalton & WallingtonSutton & Croydon Green Party are delighted to announce that Tracey Hague has been selected as our General Election candidate for the seat of Carshalton and Wallington. Tracey said: “I am pleased to have been selected again to stand for the Green Party in Carshalton and Wallington. I know people in this area have really… Read more: Tracey Hague is our General Election candidate for Carshalton & Wallington
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