About Us

The Green Party is growing fast. We have elected members at national, regional, and local levels and have a larger and larger influence on political debates.

The number of Green Party Councillors elected has grown rapidly in recent years and in May 2022, we elected our first two Green Party Councillors for Fairfield, Croydon: Ria Patel and Esther Sutton!


We believe that communities should be involved in the decisions that affect them and so our members are actively involved with community groups working on local issues; to improve the lives of everyone and to improve our environment.

That’s why we need more Green Party members elected: so that your ideas are heard in political discussions, your questions are asked in parliament and council chambers, and your problems are not ignored.

We rely on people power rather than corporate finance in all that we do. Get involved with us so that we can make that happen.

Our Councillors

Picture of Ria Patel

Ria Patel

Fairfield Ward

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Esther Sutton

Fairfield Ward

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Our Committee



Aasha Anam & Gary Kelly


Adrian Douglas


Nicholas Burman-Vince


Paul Ainscough & Ferha Syed


Peter Underwood & Ian Bridgeman

External Communications

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